Friday 16 January 2015

How to Get Your Laptop Battery an Extended Lifetime

Are you a travelling businessman, a sales executive or a self employed professional that needs to work on the go, stay connected to the business contacts, prospects, and your family at the same time?

Laptops are for you then, but does your laptop frequently run out of power, rendering you a not-so-social being? :-)

GA Repair ads in North London about extending your laptop battery's lifetime
How to improve your laptop battery's lifetime

Here are a few tips on better usage of battery for an extended life

  • Charge the battery enough: Your battery needs enough power stored into it, so it can give you a maximum back up of 5-6 hours. So keep the battery charged, until it shows 100% charged. If you are forced to charge the battery frequently for back up or not getting enough back up, consider replacing the battery. Always go for a Lithium battery for better performance and better life span.

  • Set the appropriate power option: Change your laptop settings to optimize the power usage, reduce the time limit for the laptop to go-to sleep, when you are not around and using it.

  • Use Bigger RAM: Using RAM to run programs requires less power than taking the information from the hard disk memory. It is always advisable to have at least 2GB of RAM.

  • Clean the Battery Components: At least once in two months or so, remove the battery and clean the components , may be with alcohol, this makes sure that the transfer of power between laptop , and battery is smooth.

  • Turn-off Accessories & features not in use:  Services such as Bluetooth, Wi-fi are better disabled when not in use. Also, do not set maximum brightness for screen display as it consumes too much power.

  • Avoid Surfaces that heat –up: Do not use Pillows, etc as base for laptops while working, as they heat up and consume more power. Rather use cooling pads as surface for laptop.

The desktop computers lacked mobility factor being bulky, and the need to connect different components’ to be functional rendered them immovable. Most importantly they needed to be plugged into the wall socket for power supply.

The greatest advantage with laptops is that you can work even on the go, as it has power stored within the battery fitted inside. Hence it becomes extremely important to ensure your battery has enough power stored into it. Also, ensure proper maintenance and efficient use, so your battery performs better and has an extended life span.

Memory card & laptop battery with GA Repair business cards and contact details
Memory card and laptop battery with GA Repair business cards